Sunday, January 27, 2013

The 5er: Actor Jeannie Bolet

Awww, am feeling inspired after watching the 2013 SAG Awards so I thought I'd honor this moment with my first "The 5er" interview for my blog.  And no one better to cut the ribbon for my new interview section is my very good mate, Jeannie Bolet.  She hails from Liverpool (yes, that Beatles place) and is not only a talented actor, writer but a dope-ass karaoke singer, chopstick swear! (inside joke, folks!)  So, check out why she became an actor, what she has to say when we dig deep into the issues of E.T. vs. Alf, and her personal homage to Marilyn Monroe.

What made you decide to want to become an actor?
I think I became an actor because I enjoy the feeling of what it's like to be other people and to live in shoes that I might not have otherwise. It sounds rather self-indulgent but to step into a character's life, without judgment, and to experience who they are in any given circumstance is a thrill and lesson in understanding human nature.
As a transplant from Liverpool, do you ever get homesick for bangers and mash?
I get extremely home sick for my family and friends, though I keep in touch using Skype which definitely lessens the pangs of homesickness. Having said that, I've really grown to love Los Angeles over the last two years and do consider it home...for now. I think Joseph Gordon-Levitt said it best when describing LA, "In LA you can make your own experience. There's so much space, you can make your own world." He was, of course, talking about Jeannie World...but seriously, as much as I miss home and the culture, humour, music scene, I can find similar here...well, almost.

As for bangers and mash, fish and chips, shepherds pie and Lancashire hotpot - yes, I miss them, but luckily I cook and can rustle up a pretty authentic B & M (caramelized red onion gravy optional). Incidentally, Gelson's sells the best bangers...if you're asking, and I definitely heard you asking...

Let's say you were offered both of these roles. Which one would you choose and why?  E.T. or Alf?
I won't lie...that's a tricky question, Lorna. I would have to say E.T. because Alf is do you say... gobby! Or as a good friend of mine likes to put it - "is all fur coat and no knickers." To exhibit all of E.T's emotions and feelings with very little dialogue, for example: "Be good" or "phone home" and not forgetting "Ellioooot" is not an easy task and therefore, what I believe to be, the actor's choice. And whilst we're on the subject of E.T. I think that he would have been a great second option for the movie "Drive" had Ryan Gosling not been available. Again, a great example of an actor with little dialogue, and able to create enough tension and intrigue in a theatre that you could give yourself a hernia.

What's one thing we might not know about you?  Or one thing we do know about you?
One thing that people don't know about me? I was given an unconditional offer to study Fashion Journalism at Central Saint Martin's School of Fashion in London. I told them that I needed to take a year out but never returned. It would have been an amazing opportunity had my heart been in it, but you also can't regret things like that.

Most people know that I'm an avid rock climber...most people that I know, that is. It puts me in a very calm state. It's just me and the wall that demands my undivided attention so needless to say, I can't be thinking about silly things. It's great for helping me turn off the chatter from the outside world.

What or who are you currently obsessed with?
I am currently obsessed with my dog, Norma Jean. She's an 11 month old hound with a heart. A Papillon/Chihuahua mix with a small head, black beady eyes and a bark that doesn't sound too dissimilar to Betty Davis's laugh in "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane."

If you'll allow me a second obsession, I am in love with K and R Ceramics. Kat Hutter and Roger Lee, are an LA based artist and ceramicist pairing who make the most rustically beautiful ceramics on the planet. I drink out of my mug everyday, be it green tea or egg nog (yes, it's the holiday season EVERYDAY in my house). I call it the cup for all occasions!! I usually find their work at Platform in Highland Park or Mohawk General in Silverlake.

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